Fire Suppression

Whether your vehicle is for mining or for other industrial purposes, muster fire suppression technology can save your assets and save lives.

The Mining industry today it is an expensive operation requiring a lot of machinery.

These machines operate in demanding environments with many potential fire hazards. Most machines carry a lot of flammable fuel lines close to hot engines and transmissions.

When a fire breaks out on a mining vehicle the results can be dramatic. Fires can also lead to sitewide shutdowns and in the most serious cases, fatalities.

The equipment often takes many months to repair or replace. The consequences of a fire starting at a mine site are catastrophic.

In 2019, 141 fires occurred on mobile plant at mine sites alone.

Fire suppression systems are vital to ensure the safety of a mine operation.

Muster Fire systems are designed with intelligent sensors, including linear heat detection and system pressure loss sensors.

This allows the system to monitor plant and equipment ensuring mine operators are aware of any potential fire.

Amet Industries business development manager Alan Wilkins says the linear heat detection system used on the Muster product is more reliable than traditional fire suppression methods.

“One good thing about the Muster system is its use of linear heat detection technology.

“This means we have a lot less joins and hosing where the system could potentially leak from.”

Fire suppression systems are vital to ensure the safety of a mine operation.

The Muster system is also capable of detecting any faults during routine checks. These speeds up the maintenance processes, which can prevent long stints of unwanted downtime at a mine site.

A fire suppression system is vital to ensure the safety of a mine operation.

Apart from a fire suppression system needing to work on a physical machine, a lot of risk assessment and discovery is involved in the background to ensure the system is designed, installed and serviced correctly for each individual machine.

It also allows you to design a fire system for a specific machine and identify what is likely to cause it to catch fire through a risk assessment.

Mine site fires commonly occur from engine heat sources such as diesel engines and fuel sources.

“Miners that don’t use the Muster system may be missing out on the visibility of not only their fire systems but how their fleet is performing,”

The Muster fire suppression system contains a fire alarm panel which delivers 24/7 monitoring. It is also a diagnostics module that can display system pressure, battery status and system faults in real time.

The diagnostics module is a key aspect of what puts the Muster system above the competition.

If something does go wrong, such as a discharge event, the system can be interrogated at a higher level if an investigation needs to be undertaken

It gives us the ability to have great visibility on assets and being able to look at historical information to give an accurate snapshot. We can find out why the system is discharging depending on a certain point of time.

Muster’s system diagnostics module also encourages safer industry practice by providing technicians with access to data regarding system faults and historical event logging following a system activation

Following an emergency event, if you don’t have the ability to find out what’s happened and why a machine is down, it could lead to possible financial losses or worst-case scenario loss of life.